Cheesus Christ

This blog aims to uncover the myth that cheese goes with everything... And potentially discover some taste sensations on the way.

Suggestions welcome.

Wednesday 6 July 2011

Surprisingly Average

Cheddar and Honey
Today we start off with a safe option...

Nina: Fantastic (let's bear in mind that Nina has said this about almost everything)
Lauren: Totally good
Anna: Yeah quite nice

Cheddar Porridge
So having made a bit of a boring start, we move on to something a bit more um, interesting.

Anna: This is not an improvement to either cheese or porridge.
Nina: Definitely agree
Anna: This is basically porridge-textured cheese.
Lauren: It just tastes like you've used off milk.
Anna: I think this is a low-point of the cheese tasting day.

Grilled cheddar and Nutella Sandwich
We have been hypothetically discussing for a long time whether this would be nice or not, so now's the time to actually find out. It looks gross that's for sure.

Anna: This is nice!
Nina: Mmm. Surprisingly average.
Lauren: Pretty good actually!

Banana, blue cheese and honey sandwich
Yeah, just put it all in.

Lauren: My favorite of the day! This doesn't make me want to die.
Anna: Yeah... It's quite nice.. I'm not sure I'd do it again. But I am going to eat all of it, and everyone else's.
Nina: It tastes like a forest. (none of us know what this means)