Cheesus Christ

This blog aims to uncover the myth that cheese goes with everything... And potentially discover some taste sensations on the way.

Suggestions welcome.

Tuesday 12 June 2012

If gold was edible

Toffee and cheddar
Cheese tasting sure does take you far and wide, and today we are in Brighton not that this is at all relevant. We have some real corkers lined up, starting with cheddar dipped in toffee.

Nina: Mmmmmm, yeah, mmmmm...
Anna: Shit yeah! I'm gonna have another piece.
Lauren: yeah actually, yeah!

Some really imaginitive language there. Next we take it another level by using Gouda instead:

Anna: I feel good about this. It's better than the cheddar.
Nina: I'm giving this a good dunk. Slam dunk the funk! It's just so soft and delicious, like a baby with no bones.
Lauren: I can't relate to Nina's comment. I preferred the cheddar because of the firmer texture.
Anna: I prefer the flavour of the Gouda. So Goud!
Lauren: If gold was edible.

Apple and cheese jelly, Pineapple cheese jelly
Anna actually invested time and effort in making this monstrosity herself.

Nina: Maybe we should have a bucket on standby...
Anna: It looks like it's got dead skin in it.


Anna: I had to supress my gag reflex, the texture is properly offensive.
Lauren: Oh god the texture is too horrible!
Anna: Did you just spit yours out?
Lauren: Yep.
Nina: It's just a bit gross.

I'm actually having problems just looking at this picture.

Anna: That seriously makes me wanna vomit! In fact it actually tastes like vom.
Lauren: We've all been there, we all know what vomit tastes like and it does taste like vomit.
Nina starts poking it with a spoon: Listen to that suction noise. Is that what sex sounds like?
Anna: I think that's the worst thing I've ever tasted. Possibly the worst thing ever in general.

Hot chocolate with cream cheese
Literally anything would taste delicious compared to that jelly.

Nina: it looks creamy and delicious. Oh my God... Oh my God. So good... Oh my God.
Anna: Super delicious! I don't know if you can taste the cheese but it's just mad-creamy.
Nina: Top fancy crazy-mad creamy!
Lauren: It's a step up from vomit but it tastes like off milk to me... It looks gross because it's curdled and the cheese is too subtle so I feel like it's just a less good hot chocolate.
Nina: I'd definitely do this again.
Lauren: Not in my house with my money!

Monday 16 January 2012

And then it's like oh! cheese!

Emmental and marmalade
The cheese tasters are reunited once more, and to celebrate we are using some very posh cave-aged emmental.

Anna: This actually works! The strong cheese needs some sweetness added.
Lauren: You get the sharpness of the marmalade and then it's like oh! cheese!
Nina: It feels like a party doesn't it, I could eat that all day.

Cheddar and black tea
After the coffee experiment, tea was inevitable.

Nina: Earthy. It's like the cheese came out the ground. It's nice!
Lauren: (long pause) It's not gross but you just taste the cheese on its own, then the tea. Like having a cheese sandwich and then having a cup of tea.
Anna: It's not spectacular.

Hot cross bun with brie
We were all pretty excited about this one. Mmm, brie.

Anna: You know, this is not as good as I thought it would be.
Lauren: It's a bit disappointing. They just don't complement eachother.
Nina: I wouldn't make the effort again.

Tangy Raspberry Cheddar
Leaving it on a low, cheddar dipped in Lovehearts sugar.

Lauren: Oh God I can't deal with this!
Anna: It's really not THAT bad. It's like nice tangy sugar and then... cheese.
Nina: Fizzy cheese isn't right.